Facts about Peru
Official title: Republic of Peru
Area: 1,285,216 km6 (496,224 mi6).
Capital and largest city: Lima (1996 est. pop., 316,332).
Elevations: highest Huascaran, 6,768 m (22,205 ft); lowest sea level, along the coast.
Population (2001 est.): 26,100,000; density: 20.3 persons per km6 (52.6 per mi6).
Distribution (2001 est.): 72% urban, 28% rural.
Annual growth (2001 est.): 1.8%.
Official languages: Spanish, Quechua.
Major religion: Roman Catholicism.
Literacy (1995 est.): 89% of adult population.
Universities (1994): 35.
Hospital beds (1994): 42,979.
Physicians (1996): 24,708.
Life expectancy (2001 est.): women 71; men 66.
Infant mortality (2001 est.): 41 per 1,000 live births.
GDP (2000 est.): $123 billion; $4,475 per capita.
Labor distribution (1992): agriculture 33%; public administration and services 27%; trade and finance 18%; manufacturing and mining 13%; construction 4%; public utilities, transport, and communications 5%.
Foreign trade (1999 est.): imports $8.4 billion; exports $5.9 billion; principal trade partners United States, China, Japan, Colombia.
Currency: 1 nuevo sol = 100 centimos.
Type: republic.
Government leaders (2002): Alejandro Toledo president; Roberto Danino prime minister.
Legislature: Democratic Constituent Congress.
Political subdivisions: 24 departments, province of Callao.
Railroads (1997): 2,041 km (1,268 mi) total.
Roads (1999 est.): 72,900 km (45,298 mi) total.
Major ports: 7.
Major airfields: 2.
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